7.1 Audio Test

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This Dolby Trailers page lists all the Dolby trailers we have at thedigitaltheater.com. To playback the MKV files in Dolby TrueHD you will need a media player such as Media Player Classic Home Cinema or a Media Server such as that can output the Lossless stream via HDMI to an AV Receiver that supports Dolby TrueHD.

These files have been tested with both MPC-HC and Plex. To enjoy the MKV files in Dolby ATMOS, in addition to the requirements above, your AV Receiver must support Dolby ATMOS and you must have additional ceiling mounted speakers or Dolby Atmos enabled speakers. Without those you will still experience the audio in Lossless TrueHD. Interested in our customizable pre-show trailer? Jeremy Challenge question for you: I have some.mkv Dolby Atmos BluRay backups and I’d like to play them on my TV. My TV is a new LG 4K TV with a webOS that has Plex. I also have the new Apple TV that has the Plex app installed.

The receiver is a Denon Atmos enabled receiver and I’m using the ARC channel on the TV & Receiver. How should I “stream” the video file in order to enjoy the Atmos audio. Should I use the Plex app on the TV, the Plex app on the new Apple TV, or play the file via a USB stick directly into my TV (i.e. Still TV output via ARC but with no Plex app needed) Or will none of these give me the result I need?

I’ve trolled the internet for days and can’t find any definitive answer. Lastly, I do see that the Amazon FireTV (new Nov. 2015 one) supports Atmos (EC3JOC) so should I buy that box instead so that Atmos would work OR am I still limited by the Plex app capabilities Lots to ponder, but the outcome that I want is simple — to enjoy Atmos sound that’s contained in the.mkv file I have. Addi Dear Jonathan and everyone, I have an Onkyo NR3030 with an HP Envy M7-N109 laptop hooked up to via HDMI. I have tried multiple players on the laptop such as VLC’, and MPC-HC, regular media player from Windows 10 and so far I have not been able to have my receiver display the “Dolby Atmos” signal. The most my receiver will display is either “Multichannel”, DTS, or Dolby Digital.

I have 7.1.4 set up, therefore my speaker and setup work perfectly on a Bluray with Atmos. The problem is just going through the laptop for some reason. Appreciate anyone that can help me. Alex Hi, I am new to surround sound in general and Dolby Atmos in particular so please excuse what may be a dumb question. I grabbed all the Atmos samples from here and then got information about them via mediainfo. This told me that they were all 7.1 files with two fronts and a centre channel, two side (surround) channels, two rear channels and an LFE channel. There was no mention of any ceiling / height channels.

My receiver, the Marantz 7010 is a 9.2 receiver with the possibility of going to 11.2 by using an external stereo amp. When I eventually move into my dedicated cinema room I intend to set up a system incorporating two fronts and a centre, two sides, two rears and two ceiling speakers along with a couple of subwoofers.

My question is will these files give me the true Atmos experience despite mediainfo not reporting any ceiling channels as being present? Glen Hi there, I have just bought an Onkyo TX RZ800 running 7.2.2 speakers (rear ceilings) and would love to demo it with these files and tweak the levels (AccuEQ is fine but I like to tinker!) I can’t seem to download them? It says to “save link as” but I only have “save target as” and that appears to be the html page. Am I a dinosaur and doing it wrong?


Would love to spend the day THX reffing these files. Is it my laptop or are the files no longer downloadable by right click? Also, will they work with 7.2.2 i.e two subs?

Glen Hi Jonathan- excellent – thanks! I managed to download them shortly afterward. What a great afternoon of surround it was. Amaze Atmos is stunning – a real lesson in articulating the sound around the speakers. But I have a question on Atmos if I may? I have an Onkyo RZTX800 (only had it a week or two so still tweaking it!) It’s a THX 7.2.2, wired up accordingly with the heights placed at rear and the amp has been configured to know that array etc.

But I played Everest BD and the rear surrounds are silent. The Heights worked and the film sounded phenomenal, (ridiculous sub-sonics across the last 50 mins!) but nothing from the rear surrounds? The Amaze Atmos demo went around all 9.2 speakers in truly wonderful surround, but the movie didn’t touch the rear surrounds. Is this an Onkyo set up issue?

Or a BD encoding issue i.e that’s what the studio wants= 5.2.2 not 7.2.2 I’m still learning about the ‘listening modes’ and the amp defaults to ‘Dolby Atmos’ once the film starts as I have the input default as ‘direct’ for BD. Is there an Onkyo setting that will kick the rears in as well as the heights? Or am I way off track and it’s encoded in the BD not to do that. I’m a little confused as to what I should be getting from an Atmos setting as I thought setting the amp up as 7.1.2 would send sound to all the speakers as well as the heights? Sorry for the long explanation. Jonathan Post author Hi Glen, It sounds like you have everything set up correctly. Have you confirmed that there actually no audio in the rear channels when playing Everest?

I would actually go and put your ear close to a rear speaker to confirm that there is nothing but silence. The Everest track is 7.1 atmos, so there should be something there. I find my rear speakers to be very difficult to isolate when watching a movie, and really the Dolby Amaze trailer is the best example I have heard of an actual sound in the rear channels where I could honestly sense the sound moving behind me. For the most part I find the rears help to give the surround soundstage better balance and coverage.

Anyway, play Everest again and go up to your rear channels and confirm if they are indeed silent. Glen Hi Jonathan I’ve reset my RZ800 and my BD player and then double checked the rears again with Everest and they are still silent.

The heights are kicking in nicely but no sound from the rears. I think I know what the issue might be: My Onkyo is 7.2.2 (with separate speaker posts for rear surrounds and separate speaker posts for heights) but it’s actually only a 5.2.2 Atmos system. So perhaps a 7.1 Atmos encoded BD simply resorts to 5.1 Atmos on my RZ800 and shuts off the rear surrounds?? I think it’s a way of being able to flick between 7.1 BD content and Atmos content without reconfiguring your amp or mucking about with cables etc.

So it would explain why there is no Atmos content coming from the rears as my amp simply doesn’t push sound to them. Strange thing is that you and another person ( including a BD review site,) all say that Everest is in Dolby Atmos and Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit), but my disc does not have any choice within the Audio menu – it just says Dolby Atmos.with no DTHD7.1 choice? Perhaps if I could select that DTHD7.1 option and not the Dolby Atmos option, it would ping sound around in 7.1 and my rear speakers would start singing (but the two heights would remain silent as they only kick in when detecting an Atmos signal) any idea on how I access the DTHD7.1 choice?. Or perhaps it’s my idiotic brain not accepting that 7.1 = 1fl, 2cc, 3fr, 4sl, 5sr, 6lh, 7rh,.1sub = 7.1! And that Atmos isn’t supposed to work your rears, it’s supposed to work your heights! Haha, I’m tying myself in knots here. Eric Greetings.

7.1 Music Test

I recently bought an Nvidia Shield TV 2017 (which supports both ATMOS and DTS X) to compliment my Onkyo TX-NR646. I then downloaded most of the ATMOS and “lossless” samples from here and they sound EXCELLENT. I love the “Amaze”, “Leaf”, and “Dolby Cinema-Element” the mosttruly immersive. I have a 5.2.2 setup NOT a 5.1.2 🙂. The “.2” in the middle is actually a split signal between my subwoofer and a tactile transducer (Crowson Tech) for a better subsonic experience.

I don’t have to crank my subwoofer now to “feel” the lows since the transducers are doing that. I do have a question though. I have a few movies which have a 5.1 or 7.1 TrueHD signal support but the “ATMOS” indicator doesn’t light up on my Onkyo. May I ask why?


Bulbul Hi Jonathan, thanks for all these dolby files. I have bought an Onkyo TX-R710 receiver (yes it supports dolby atmos) and I have setup my speakers to 5.1.2 settings. I have a Sony x930d 4K TV.

I have downloaded some of the files and put them on a flash drive and played the files via the TV’s USB port. But unfortunately I am not getting my receiver to detect the audios in Dolby.

Although the receiver do pick it when playing all my other movies which ranges from Dolby Atmos to DTS X. And strangely enough the DTSX files which I downloaded from your website, seems to be working perfectly.

I am in now way an audio expert nor in this receiver so I wouldnt have a clue whats going on. Would really love to hear your opinion in this. Kevin Hi, I tried your method but the video only contains stereo audio, verified through my receiver (Its also only 43 megabytes, no way it could contain Atmos) However I found the actual place where Dolby keeps the trailer in true Atmos albeit not lossless. My receiver says its Dolby Digital+ embedded with Atmos (same format Netflix is using to deliver Atmos) (Windows 10 required): Open the Microsoft Edge browser (Currently the only one with Dolby Audio support. Next go here: Select HLS on Universe Fury demo (Some idiot named it incorrectly), The demo will now stream in Dolby Atmos if your equipment is setup correctly.

I dont know how to download it directly, but I wish there was a way for our convenience. This took me a long time to find, but its great. Lots of activity in the overhead channels (no upmixing). I have 7.1.4 setup. Sam93 Hi there, sorry I’m new to this site but I’ve been following it recently and since I’m having a few issues with my new Dolby Atmos soundbar I was just wondering if you good people could help me? Here are some details to help: Blu-Ray Player: Panasonic DMP-UB400 4K Blu-Ray Player TV: Sony Bravia 49” XD7005 model TV. Soundbar: Sony HT-XF9000 I have been trying to play some of these trailers on my blu-ray player via USB but the player tells me audio file not supported.

The picture plays fine but there is no sound. I have also been playing some Atmos enabled blu-ray discs and even though the sound plays fine here, I do not think it sounds Atmos enhanced like the demos I’ve heard in the stores for this soundbar. I have my soundbar connected to my blu-ray player via 2 high-speed HDMI cables (one for AUDIO OUT to the IN slot of the soundbar, and the other going into the HDMI2 slot of my TV). I then have a HDMI from the TV ARC slot of the soundbar to the ARC input on the TV. Since there is this 4K audio link between the soundbar bar & blu-ray Player I have set it to AUDIO BITSTREAM OUT on the player settings and disabled secondary audio. To complicate things the player remote is not showing any display to tell me if it is an Atmos broadcast when I click the button – something which I have emailed them about today.

Sorry for the essay but if you have any advice at all for what I might be doing wrong it would be much appreciated!

The HyperX is what you want for gaming out of these two. It's been optimized for specifically what you want. The HD598's are more audiophile style without biased processing to optimize for gaming. Hi photon, that's good to know, thanks! I currently run my PC audio to an external amp (that my tower speakers are connected to) and plug my headphones in to that. Any idea if doing the same with the HyperX will mess around with the virtual surround at all?

Am I better off plugging them straight into my PC? EDIT: Nevermind, I just realised that won't work regardless, as the adapter plugs into the controller then connects to the computer via USB. Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide if it is worth getting a new headset. I'm currently using a pair of Sennheiser HD598s - I'm looking at getting a HyperX Cloud II headset - The main reason I'm looking at getting this headset is for Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I wonder if this headset will allow me to better hear where enemies are coming from? Basically, will 7.1 virtual surround allow me to pinpoint movement sounds better then stereo sound?

No, virtual 7.1 audio will NOT be better than the same function your sound card has (headphone virtualization) and will be WORSE than a proper headphone mode like that in BF4/Battlefront. Don't listen to nonsense about 7.1 being better for games because it's not. Your HD598s are MUCH better than the cheap cloud IIs. If you have money to burn, get a better sound card. Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide if it is worth getting a new headset.

I'm currently using a pair of Sennheiser HD598s - I'm looking at getting a HyperX Cloud II headset - The main reason I'm looking at getting this headset is for Counter Strike: Global Offensive. I wonder if this headset will allow me to better hear where enemies are coming from?

Basically, will 7.1 virtual surround allow me to pinpoint movement sounds better then stereo sound? No, virtual 7.1 audio will NOT be better than the same function your sound card has (headphone virtualization) and will be WORSE than a proper headphone mode like that in BF4/Battlefront. Don't listen to nonsense about 7.1 being better for games because it's not. Your HD598s are MUCH better than the cheap cloud IIs. If you have money to burn, get a better sound card And herein lies the problem. I can't find a definitive source one way or the other. Some people say its a gimmick, others say it's a must have for gaming.

And herein lies the problem. I can't find a definitive source one way or the other. Some people say its a gimmick, others say it's a must have for gaming. Here's the biomechanical and systems engineering answer (and thus the right one), 7.1 audio for headphones is a gimmick.

You have two ears, and headphones can only drive them independently. Doesn't matter how many speakers you have in a headphone, you are limited to two independent output channels. What makes things worse is that in the case of 7.1 on headphones, you are mixing point audio sources first into 7.1 using what amount to virtual microphones, and then your headphones take that 7.1 and turn it back into 2.0, by again warping the sound from seven independent sources into what are two virtual mics. So that's two approximations done, which means that much data gets lost. By letting your game do it (most have headphone mode, and good ones like BF4 have multiple ones) in engine, you get one transfer from point audio sources directly to your headphones. Good engines throw in fancy things like binaural approximations using sound shadowing your head would normally have, lesser ones like cs:go do straight latency+volume conversion.

In the end, it depends on how good your game is at headphone mixing, but in most cases it's better to NOT use '7.1' sets! Hey, My main point is that the audio can be optimized for GAMING for quality gaming headphones. I'll let the reviews explain that. It's important to review this headphone specifically and not compare to all 7.1 solutions. These are STEREO headphones with an addon USB feature to support a virtual surround option (and volume). You can use it or not.

Maybe in some games you care more about footsteps and this feature helps. I'm guessing you also want a MICROPHONE as well?

The 3.5mm jack plugs into the USB control cable which in turn plugs into the computer. That means its a DIGITAL signal into the USB which means there is a sound card to convert digital to analog in that cable. (USB also means some isolation from the computer's analog noise which may mean less 'hiss' or other issues. Digital data is the same.

It's only when converted to analog that we can get distortion from the rest of the computer.) Other: 7.1 a gimmick? First, you do NOT have to use this. (but I agree 7.1 isn't necessarily any good, and often worse) There are two, physical drivers only.

The 7.1 is optional, so this is NOT like other headphones that use multiple drivers. Video (Jayz2cents): 'Although the Kingston HyperX Cloud II only costs £75, you’d be hard pressed to find a better-sounding wired headset at any price.

The stereo sound is powerful and detailed, with the 53mm drivers providing plenty of punch in the low-end, while also being sprightly at the high-end. The headset is most suited to video games, but it’s impressive in movies and music too.' .The extra audio processing to isolate certain sounds is optional: 'However, Kingston’s version sounds just as good, providing an accurate approximation of where things like bullets, footsteps and grenades are coming from. We personally didn’t use this feature after our review period, preferring the clarity and overall quality of the stereo output, but the option is there if you want it, and it’s as good as any other surround sound technology on the market.' Summary: Again, these are quality, STEREO headphones with optional optimizations for gaming. They can be used without the USB attachment as stereo headphones like normal. Weather 2 true channel stereo is better than 5.1 / 7.1 virtual surround sound (or not) is really debatable.

Although new virtual sound technology/advancement is getting better. Keep in mind that its 'virtual' or as i like to say.its all SOFTWARE based. This means you can turn your Sennheiser HD598s to do the same exact thing with the correct software and a little bit of time to tune it. For the pc gaming you could use your HD598s and downloaded Razor's surround sound software from.dolby digital also has software that you can make 'virtual' 5.1 or 7.1and use Dolby Atmos sound using their software or can can even eq it using the dolby home theater software. I couldnt find the quick link for that but if you google it you can find it, here is a theater version. note that as the time of this writing dolby has 3 software.the theater.the dolby atmos.and i cant remeber the 3rd but there is a third software for the pc.

Long story short, remember anything virtual is all software, you have a very good pair of Sennheiser headphones that i would use and just download the software. Weather 2 true channel stereo is better than 5.1 / 7.1 virtual surround sound (or not) is really debatable. Wolf of wall street free. Although new virtual sound technology/advancement is getting better. Keep in mind that its 'virtual' or as i like to say.its all SOFTWARE based. This means you can turn your Sennheiser HD598s to do the same exact thing with the correct software and a little bit of time to tune it. For the pc gaming you could use your HD598s and downloaded Razor's surround sound software from.dolby digital also has software that you can make 'virtual' 5.1 or 7.1and use Dolby Atmos sound using their software or can can even eq it using the dolby home theater software. I couldnt find the quick link for that but if you google it you can find it, here is a theater version.

note that as the time of this writing dolby has 3 software.the theater.the dolby atmos.and i cant remeber the 3rd but there is a third software for the pc. Long story short, remember anything virtual is all software, you have a very good pair of Sennheiser headphones that i would use and just download the software. Almost two years ago. Also, I don't quite understand your logic. It's not really 'debatable' for this product I discussed when they are STEREO headphones with a virtualization addon for surround. You have one OR THE OTHER at any given time depending on what you are doing. Maybe the addon for games and bypass (sometimes with a simple button) for stereo with no added processing.