Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360 Walkthrough

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  1. Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360 Walkthrough Ign
  2. Ign Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough

It's rough out in the wild wild west, partner. But we're here to guide you along that bloody trail. Need to know how to become the quickest draw, trouble hunting down that last star outlaw, or just want to gain a fistful of dollars? We've got a bonanaza of info for you! Here's what's inside GameSpot's Red Dead Redemption Guides:.

Our full walkthrough will take you through every story mission across New Austin and south of the border. Learn how to gain all those rascally Achievements. Buck up earn some Playstation 3 Trophies. New Austin: Bonnie MacFarlane Missions New Friends, Old Problems This is the first mission of Red Dead Redemption. You'll be quickly introduced to one of the many characters, Bonnie MacFarlane.

She looks over the MacFarlane Ranch and needs your help defending it from critters. She'll hand you a Repeater Carbine, a long range weapon that help clear the targets. Mount up and Bonnie will take you to a few cornstalks being ravaged by rabbits. Shoot and kill the vermin or let them flee.

Next, Bonnie will spot a few coyotes headed for the chicken coop. Kill the enemies and save as much of the live stock as possible. Either way, the mission will conclude one the targets are dealt with or manage to escape. Obstacles in our Path This mission is a simple horse race against Bonnie. To maintain max speed, keep either to the main roads, or smaller horse roads. Going off course will greatly reduce your speed.

Also, do not spur your horse too much, as it may tend to throw you off. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as the mission will end once both of you cross the finish line. This is Armadillo, USA Drive the wagon as Bonnie rides shotgun. Your destination is Armadillo.

Upon arriving, go to the doctor and buy some medicine. Bonnie will pay for it, making it free. The medicine can be used to recover lost life in a pinch.

Return to Bonnie near the wagon to end the mission. Women and Cattle This mission will introduce you to cattle herding. Mount your horse and travel to the pasture. Stay behind the herd to have them move forward, and sweep to the opposite sides to steer them (being on their right will make them go left, while being on the left will make them go right).

Merge this small herd with a second herd and drive them all to the oak tree in the west. Wild Horses, Tamed Passions Enter Bonnie's house to start a cutscene. You'll meet her father and be awarded a lasso. Ride out to the open field marked on your map where several wild horses are grazing. Use your Lasso to catch one of them, wait for Bonnie or her father to do the same, and then dismount your horse. Mount the wild horse and break it by balancing yourself as it bucks. Mr MacFarlane will take it back to the ranch, leaving you and Bonnie to round up a second.

Repeat the process a second time and then return to the ranch house. Mr MacFarlane will inform you that more horses are near Armadillo. Mount up and follow bonnie to the horses on your map.

Heard the horses towards the canyon ahead and a cutscene will play of one of them, a stallion, escaping. Chase down the run away horse, lasso it, and break it like the previous horses.

Ride back to Bonnie and she'll let you keep the stallion, wining the mission. A Tempest looms This mission will once again involve herding a large amount of cattle. Meet with Bonnie and merge the two smaller herds into one large one. A cutscene will play where lightning strikes, spooking the cattle. Race to the front of the pack and slow them before they charge off the cliff ahead.

After saving as many as possible, stay behind the herd and steer them to the ranch. The Burning Follow Bonnie towards her father, who is marked on your map. After a cutscene, return to the ranch and you'll discover the barn on fire. Climb up the nearby structure and shimmy across the roof to enter through the barn's roof opening. Proceed to the ground level and open the barn's front door. Slap the two horses to have them escape to safety. A cutscene will play of burning wreckage falling, blocking the exit.

Mount the third horse and leap over the burning ruble to escape, ending the mission. New Austin: Marshal Leigh Johnson Missions Political Relations in Armadillo You'll meet the local law enforcement, Marshal Leigh Johnson. Move with him to the saloon and call your horse. You'll be tracking a local thug, Walton, to his hideout. Take cover and kill the bandits outside.

The Marshal will provide some cover fire, making executing them much easier. After the cronies are killed, Walton will emerge and start fleeing. Shoot him in the leg to cripple him and bring him to justice, ending the mission. Justice at Pike's Basin Ride alongside Johnson and his men to Pike's Basin. Upon arriving, you'll automatically dismount and proceed on foot. Several enemies will appear, so clear them out with your rifle.

Move ahead and you'll arrive at a fork in the road. It's your choice of which way to go, but sticking to the right path with Marshal Johnson is advised. Kill the four enemies along the road and you'll arrive at a small enemy encampment. There are five enemies at this outpost, so take cover behind the rocks and take them out with your long range repeater. The camp itself has a few coffers with ammo and money, so be sure to stock back up before proceeding. Meet back up with the Marshal and his deputies and you'll encounter the final shoot out against a hefty amount of foes.

Let your allies advance and provide a distraction while you stay back and pick off the enemies in the cross fire. When all foes are dealth with, proceed down to the basin and free the ranch hands to end the mission. Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit Marshal Johnson and his men will inform you about some trouble along the roads. Follow him to the first campsite on your map and you'll collect a Winchester Repeaters, which is superior to the Carbine in everyway except speed. Continue following your allies to the Ridgewood Farm. Investigate the two locations on your map, and then move to the farm.

Shoot the four wood planks barring the door shut, and a cutscene will play. Soon enemies will emerge from the farm house. Along with the your allies, clear the enemies outside, and then enter the house and kill the ones inside. Afterwards, a cutscene will play and you'll ride towards Fort Mercer.

Part way through the journey, you'll be ambushed by Bill Williams and his gang. Stay in the cover you start at and defeat the oncoming bandits.

They are most vulnerable while charging on horseback. A second wave of foes will appear, but the same strategy remains. After a cutscene, you'll capture the bandit Normal Deek, ending the mission. Hanging of Bonnie MacFarlane Bonnie has been kidnapped and the bandits want Deek in exchange. Follow Marshal Johnson and the other lawmen to Tumbleweed.

Upon arriving, the enemies will double-cross and execute Deek, and then open fire on you. The Marshal and his deputies will keep the enemies quite busy. Use this distraction to locate Bonnie at the lynches.

Cut her free while the lawmen clean up the bandits to end the mission. New Austin: West Dickens Missions Old Swindler Blues You'll meet West Dickens in the middle of the desert. Mount his wagon and take him to Armadillo. He is in poor health and can perish if you are not careful.

Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360 Walkthrough Ign

Stick to the dirt road, as rough terrain will slow you greatly. Two enemy bandits will appear on horses, but are easily killed with Dead Eye. As you get closer to your destination, four more enemies will appear, but it is much safer and faster to charge ahead to Armadillo.

Upon arriving at the town, you'll save West and complete the mission. You Shall Not Give false Testimony, Except Profit Ride with West to the Ridgewood Farm where you'll convince the crow that his tonic is legitimate. After the first cutscene, shoot at the shining skull hanging in the distance. After another cutscene, one of the spectators, Aquila will challenge you to shoot his hat out of the air.

Use Dead Eye to slow time and shoot the hat when thrown. Aquila will then pick a fist fight. Use the standard punch combo, and tackle when the prompt appears. After two tackles, Aquila will brandish his gun. Use Dead Eye and disarm him by shooting him in the hand, ending the mission. A Fatal shot to Aquila will instead result in failure.

Liars, Cheats and Other Proud Americans West will enter you into a wagon race at Gaptooth Breach. You'll need to win this “fair” race by coming in first place. While you can't shoot the other racers, you are allowed to crash into them and knock them off the course. Make your first place and keep up the speed. The track itself is rather simple and completing this mission will take no time at all.

Can a Swindler Change His Spots? During this mission you'll be riding shotgun as West drives towards Cueva Seca. Many enemies will approach from all sides and it's up to you to defend West. Dead Eye is your best option to cleanly take down the enemies. It isn't necessary to kill the enemies, as shooting at their horses will slow them down enough to end their pursuit.

You'll also encounter several enemy wagons. A few of them are loaded with explosives, which will detonate when shot. After a few minutes of eliminating foes, West will arrive at Ceuva Seca, ending the mission. The Sport of Kings and Liars Follow West to Rathskeller fork and he'll enter you in a Horse race.

You'll need to finish in first place to win the mission. In order to keep top speed stick to the main roads and don't ride over the rocks or grass. Never overwork your horse, as if it is spurred too much it will buck and throw you off, wasting valuable time. This is also a fair race, so shooting any of your competitors will automatically disqualify you.

Stick to the roads and you should have no problem taking first. New Austin: Seth Briars Missions Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies You'll meet a new ally during this mission, Seth Briars, who is obsessed with finding a lost treasure. Follow him on horseback and he'll take you to a police outpost where his old partner, Moses is being held.

Grab one of the police horses to distract the guards and escape their pursuit by moving out of the target circle on your radar. Even after loosing your Wanted level, a small bounty will be left on your head. Return to Seth and he will release Moses from the prison. Moses will flee, so mount a horse and chase after him. Once getting close, lasso him, dismount and hogtie him with your rope. Carry the captured Moses on your horse and return him to Seth.

After a cutscene, Seth will award you a pardon letter that can clear your accumulated bounty. Enter the telegraph station just ahead and clear the bount by handing them the letter, or pay the few in full. Either solution will clear your name and end the mission. A Gentle Ride with Friends You'll be manning a cart with Seth riding in the back.

Flight sim x activation code. You'll need to drive him to Tumbleweed, however a large number of horse mounted bandits will give chase. Seth is unarmed, so you'll have to defend while driving. Use Dead Eye to quickly kill the enemies without trouble.

Upon arriving at Tumbleweed, a scene will play and the mission will conclude. Let the Dead Bury Their Dead After a cutscene, escort Seth to the Tumbleweed Mansion ahead. You will be ambushed by a large amount of enemy treasure hunters, however Seth is armed this time and will support you. The mansion's front door is locked, so you'll need to swoop around back and open the cellar door. Proceed into the basement and eliminate the enemies inside, make your way to the ground floor and then to the second level, killing anyone on the way.

Approach the chest to play a cutscene and end the mission. New Austin: Irish Missions A Frenchman, a Welshman, and an Irishman After the initial cutscene, you'll have to save Irish by killing French and Welsh. They are armed with simple weapons, so a few close range shots will eliminate both. With Irish safely in your care, mount up and he'll lead you to a bandit hideout. He claims that this is where a stolen machine gun is and will leave you to collect it. Use cover and Dead Eye to clear out the enemies, and then approach the house ahead.

There is one last enemy inside, but he is easily taken out if you shoot him quickly. Enter the house to finish the mission. Man is Born On To Trouble For this mission, Follow Irish to Gaptooth Breach. As you arrive, you'll be stopped two guards and have no cover. You'll need to use Dead Eye to take them both out with any harm to yourself.

When ready, move forward into the Gaptooth mine. Cover is very limited in the mine and the foes have a major tactical advantage.

You'll need to rely on Dead Eye heavily to stay safe. Move to the east, killing any enemies along the way and you'll soon come to a mine cart containing the stolen machine gun. Push the mine cart along the rails to the minelift marker on the map. After a cutscene, push the cart again along the second set of rails.

Along the way are a few enemies, but are easily taken out with your side arm. Once the cart reaches Irish's stagecoach the mission will end. On Shaky's Ground From the start of the mission follow Irish on foot. After a short cutscene, head up the latter ahead and sneak across the roof by walking instead of running.

Enter through the open window on the right arrive inside the warehouse's interior. Quietly sneak up to the guard below keeping watch and stab him with your knife to prevent suspicion. Return to the upper level and shoot the three bandits keeping Shaky tied up. Soon, more enemies will appear, however Shaky will provide some cover fire with his revolver. Make good use of cover and Dead Eye to clear out the room safely. After these foes are dealt with, exit the building through the main doors and you'll be ambushed by another wave.

Eliminate the enemies in the same manner and continue following Shaky to the machine gun ammo. Irish will soon arrive again and the two you will load his wagon with the ammo. Ride shotgun with Irish and he'll head towards the MacFarlane Ranch. Along the way you'll encounter more enemies on horseback. Use Dead Eye to kill them off and protect Irish. Upon arriving at the ranch, a cutscene will play and end the mission. New Austin: Fort Mercer Assault on Fort Mercer It's finally time to storm Fort Mercer and locate bill Williams.

After the brief cutscene with your “Trojan Horse”, use the wagon's mounted machine gun to take out the foes. You can't take cover or use Dead Eye with the gun, so you may need to use medicine to recover any lost health. After clearing the initial wave of foes, Marshal Johnson and Seth will appear to help clear the fort. Follow the lawmen and clear out any remaining enemies.

Once all enmies are wipedout, enemy reinforcements will arrive. After a cutscene, you'll be manning the machine gun again. The Marshal and his men will provide great coverfire, making this battle much easier than the previous one. Focus on the enemy wagons, as they have machine gusn of their own. Your allies can easily deal with the rest. After all of the reinforcements are delat with, the mission will conclude.

We Shall be Together in Paradise During this mission, Irish will escort you from New Austin to Nuevo Paraiso in Mexico. Meet up with him at the docks located on your map.

Onboard will be a Springfield Rifle, which does more damage than the Winchester, but is slower. You'll be attacked by enemies along the shore, as Irish mans the raft towards Mexico. There is an additional armor box on the right of the raft that will restock every few minutes.

Take cover behind the raft's small walls and crates to keep safe. Due to the shear amount of enemies, make use of Dead Eye to pick them off quickly.

After a fair ride you'll arrive in Nuevo Paraiso, ending the last New Austin mission. Nuevo Paraiso: De Santa Missions Civilization at Any Price After the cutscene introducing Captain De Santa, ride with him and his men to Chuparosa. Your objective is to escort a train headed for Casa Madrugada as you ride along side on horse.

Enemy rebels from flank from all sides. Because De Santa stays on the left side of the train, in order to cover more ground, cross the tracks and defend the train's right side. Once reaching Casa Madrugada, a cutscene will play and you'll have to mount up again. Ride alongside the stolen train and kill the enemies onboard. Even with the foes defeated, the train is still active.

Move in close to the engine and jump onboard when prompt, ending the mission. Demon Drink Follow De Santa to Tesoro Azul, where you'll meet Captain Espinoza and his unit. Tesoro is being used as a base for the rebels.

Enter the small town and clear out the enemies. The rebels are very careless about cover and are easily distracted by your allies.

Approach from the left side to easily flank and kill the rebel forces. Once the enemies are gone, grab some of the nearby Fire bottles that the army supplies you.

Use the bottles to set on fire the three homes on your map, ending this mission. Empty Promises Ride with De Santa toward the army outpost, killing the few enemies that attempt to ambush. You'll soon arrive at Torquemada, where Captain Espinoza is under fire from the rebels.

Grab the Rolling block sniper rifle from the table on the left and take cover. Snipe each enemy ahead one at a time, being sure to pop back into cover after each kill. After the initial wave, follow De Santa and the rest of the army up the mountain. You'll continue to play sniper, taking out the furthest enemies while your army allies take on the rest. To assist with making kills easier, be sure to enter Dead Eye mode. Upon clearing the enemies in the small fortress, the mission will conclude.

Mexican Caesar From the start of this mission, escort Captain Espinoza to Chuparosa, using Dead Eye to defeat the few enemies on the way. Walk to the train station and mount the machine gun mounted near the engine. As the train leaves towards its destination, use the gun to kill any approaching enemies. Remember, while using the gun you have little protection and cannot use Dead Eye. Your number one priority is to defend the train engine.

Use any medicine you've stocked up to recover damage. Eventually the train will arrive at its destination, ending the mission. Cowards Die Many Times Ride shotgun with De Santa and he will take you to Chuparosa. After a short scene, you'll be captured, disarmed, and bound. Upon gaining control, run forward to Reyes, who will free you. Next, return to where you started and locate a chest containing your lost gear. Assist Reyes and the rebels with killing the army soldiers guarding the house ahead.

Due to the heavy amount of cross fire, it is easy to sneak up to the enemies and take them out with a quick shotgun blast. Once the ground floor of the house is clear, move to the second floor and flush out Captain Espinoza. He has no regard for cover and will chase you. Use this to your advantage and flee outside, where the rebels will take him out for you, ending the mission.

Nuevo Paraiso: Landon Ricketts Missions The Gunslinger's Tragedy During this mission you'll meet with an old legendary sharpshooter, Landon Ricketts. He'll give you a new Schofield Revolver, which beats your old Cattleman sidearm. He'll train you in with a few extra Dead Eye pointers.

First, three bottles will be sitting on a crate ahead. Enter Dead Eye mode and destroy all three of them at once. Next, Landon will lead you to a flock of crows; once again use Dead Eye to kill off three or more birds.

After a brief cutscene, follow Landon out of town on horseback. You'll arrive at a stagecoach being held up several bandits. Use Dead Eye to kill all of the enemies at the same time to save the victims and win the mission. Landon Ricketts Rides Again Follow Landon to Casa Madrugada where you will meet Carlos. Follow him as as he lead you to el Matadero.

Carlos will advise you to hide while he distracts the guards. Take cover behind the nearby rock until Carlos clears the area of guards.

Proceed into the cave ahead and provide Landon with cover fire as he charges in. Eventually you'll come to the cells and encounter a badly hurt Luisa. Landon will carry her, making him move slower and more vulnerable. Take point and lead the two safely out of the cave to arrive at a few horses Carlos has left for you. Ride through the canyon just ahead and you'll soon encounter a few more enemies. Due to a lack of cover, quickly enter Dead Eye to defeat the guards before they have a chance to fire. Continue along the road, out of the canyon and you'll deliver Luisa to Carlos, ending the mission.

Lucky in Love This mission starts off mellow by joining Landon for a few games of poker. Two other players include Muller and the The Stranger. Regardless if you win or lose, after two games Muller will accuse you of cheating and challenge you to a duel. To win the duel, you'll need to make accurate, fatal shots. Upon drawing your gun, move the crosshairs near Muller's torso or head and paint targets once the crosshairs are small and white. As long as your duel gauge is higher than Muller's, you'll succeed and kill him.

Afterwards, The Stranger will hold a woman hostage at knife point. Once again use the duel controls to shoot him in the head while sparing the victim.

Soon, a full gang of enemies will appear. Assist Landon with killing them to finish the mission. The Mexican Wagon Train Mount a horse and follow Landon along the road from Chuparosa to Perdido. The objective is to save several prisoners being transported via wagons by the army. Each of the two wagons is heavily guarded by four horsemen and an armed driver.

Use Dead Eye with your revolver to take out the horsemen at once, followed by the driver. With the army soldiers killed, dismount your horse and get on one of the wagons (Landon will drive the second). Drive along the north road to Plainview in New Austin. Near the boarder, a bridge will be guarded by six guards.

Use Dead Eye to deal with as many as possible, and plow through the rest. Once arriving in America, the prisoners will be set free, ending the mission. Nuevo Paraiso: Luisa Fortuna Missions My Sister's Keeper You'll need to escort Luisa's sister, Miranda, to the docks north-east of Escalera before sundown. Mount the stage coach and race along the route highlighted on the map. You have one in-game hour to help Miranda before the mission ends in failure. As expected, the army will attempt to stop you.

Due to the limit, it's easier to avoid or ram through the enemies, instead of fighting them. Halfway through the journey, several cavalry soldiers will appear. Use dead Eye to kill them quickly, and then proceed again to the docks.

After a few winding roads and detours, you'll arrive safely at the docks, completing the mission. Must a Savior Die? Ride shotgun with Luisa and she will take you to El Presidio, where Reyes is being held and waiting execution. Upon arriving, climb over the broken wall ahead and make your way to the sniping point.

There will be a Rolling Block nearby, which will restore your ammo stock. You'll need to hurry and kill the executioner before he has a chance to end Reyes. The blast from your gun and the dead officer will alert the rest of the guards. Stay in your perch and pick off the soldiers with your rifle. Due to the height advantage, another good strategy is to rain down Dynamite or Fire Bottles against the enemies. The fortress is also loaded with TNT crates; shooting these will take out several guards without the need for precise aiming.

After the army soldiers are dealt with, mount a horse and meet with Reyes. As you head out of El Presidio towards Luisa, enemy reinforcements will advance. Stop and shoot any mounted opposition, but speed past any foot soldiers.

Arrive at the docks where Luisa will escort Reyes, ending the mission. Father Abraham For this mission you'll need to help the rebels destroy an army supply convoy. Before the enemies arrive, you'll have the opportunity to place five dynamite charges. Spread the charges along the road to provide maximum coverage. Once the trap is set, meet Luisa at the top of the hill and man the detonator.

Wait for the army to come down the road, and blow up the charges when the enemy stands over it. Once all of the wagons are destroyed, the remaining soldiers will flee and the mission will end. Captain De Santa's Downfall Ride with the rebels and they will lead you to Las Hermanas.

Here, De Santa and his men are waiting. Help the rebels by clearing out as many of the army foes as possible.

Once the cronies are out of the way, advance towards De Santa, who will then flee. Stop him by shooting him in the leg, lasso, and hogtie him. You'll have the option of killing De Santa or letting the rebels deal with him. Either way, remount your horse and travel to Casa Madrugada.

De Santa informed you that this is where Javier Escuella is held up, but it turns out to be another army trap. Wipe out the ambush with the rebels' aid to beat the mission. Nuevo Paraiso: Abraham Reyes Missions The Great Mexican Train Robbery Reyes will take you to Chuparosa and provide you with Throwing Knives. These weapons will instant kill enemies when thrown into their back. Sneak around the train stop by moving slowly or crouching. Kill the guards around the depot, board the train and man the mounted machine gun.

There are still a few soldiers camped out to the left side of the train, but are easily defeated with the machine gun's rapid fire. Once the dangers are eliminated, move to the train's engine and depart the station. You'll meet again with Reyes who will hand you some Dynamite and request you use it to open the train's armored car. Proceed to the roof of the car and place the explosives. Quickly run a safe distance and let the train hatch explode. Enter the armored car and locate the safe.

Open the safe by completing the lock combination mini-game. Spin the dial left until hearing a click, spin it right until hearing a second, and left again for the final number. Once the safe is cracked, exit the car to finish the mission. The Gates of El Presidio Javier Escuella is in El Presidio and Reyes is ready to take the fortress. Reyes will give you a wagon armed to the teeth with TNT. Quickly speed towards El Presidio before the wagon explodes.

As you approach the main gate, leap off the wagon to destroy the entrance. The rebels and army will fight amongst themselves, leaving you free to search for Javier. Move to the barracks where Javier is hiding.

After a brief scene, he will attempt to escape on a horse. Mount up yourself and give chase.

Ign Red Dead Redemption Walkthrough

Use Dead Eye to kill his horse, lasso Javier, and hogtie him. Return with the captured Javier to El Presidio, where Reyes will inform you that the army is sending more troops. Climb to the top of the fortress and man the nearby cannon. Shoot down the approaching enemy wagons and horsemen to liberate El Presidio, ending the mission. An Appointed Time This is the final showdown with Allende and his Mexican army.

After a brief cutscene, you'll be thrown straight into a duel with one of the army officers. Be fast on the draw and aim for fatal body shots. Your advisory tends to weave to the right, so shoot accordingly. After winning, head to the prison cells marked on the map and shoot the doors open, releasing the rebels.

Regroup with the rest of the rebels out side and Reyes will lead a charge on Allende's main base. Most of the rebels will help fight, but many are unarmed, making Reyes the only reliable ally. Advance forward and you'll arrive at a hill with a machine gun on the top. The enemy forces will rush out of cover towards the gun, making them easy prey for a strong sniper rifle shot and Dead Eye. As you head towards the base, a short cutscene will play of Reyes placing dynamite at the front gate. Once gaining control, shoot the explosives to blast open the entrance and gun down all of the soldiers that emerge. Soon enemy reinforcements will advance from the rear.

Return to the machine gun and wipeout the assaulting army. After wards, head back to the base and meet with Reyes. After a cutscene, Allende and Bill Williams will flee via stagecoach and you only have a limited amount of time to catch up.

Quickly enter Dead Eye and eliminate the three guards that remain in the area, mount the horse on the left and chase after the stagecoach. The stagecoach is escorted by three horsemen and even has a mounted machine gun in the back. Use Dead Eye to kill off the horsemen, charge to the front of the stagecoach and take out the drivers.

This will leave the machine gunner vulnerable, as he cannot rotate far enough to take a shot. Kill the final army soldier and a short cutscene will play where Allende will sellout Williams. Once gaining control kill them both, or wait for Reyes to do it, ending the final Mexico mission.

West Elizabeth: Edgar Ross Missions Bear One Another's Burdens From the start of the mission, the federal agents will give you new side arm, the High Power Pistol, which is superior to your old revolvers. Ride with the federal agents to the Serendipity, a wrecked fairy boat. Exit the vehicle and follow Agent Fordham. Move to the top of the boat where you'll find Nastas, the agent's informant, beaten and tied up. An ambush of enemies will appear, and Fordham will request that you carry Nastas.

While carrying your ally, you'll be unable to take cover or defend yourself. While Fordham will provide some cover, it won't be enough to take out the foes. Be quick with Dead Eye mode to defeat the enemies while still in the open. The Dead Eye meter will drain with so many targets, so move behind walls and around corners to let it regenerate. Once the enemies are dealt with, return to the car and let Fordham drive towards Blackwater.

Part way through, the engine will die and you'll need to defend the car with Ross as Fordham repairs it. Quickly, take cover behind the rock on the far right and shoot the oncoming foes. The priority targets are the horsemen, as they will charge passed you and attempt to kill Fordham. Once the enemies are finished, Fordham will fix the car and take you to Blackwater, ending the mission. Great Men Are Not always Wise Dutch and his gang have held up a local Blackwater bank.

Ross demands your assistance in dealing with the menace. From the start, climb the ladder ahead and reach the hotel's roof. Grab the sniper rifle rounds on the left and proceed to the building's edge. Join Ross and the rest of the agents in sniping any of the robbers making a break for it. After the exterior enemies are eliminated, exit the roof and charge through the bank's entrance.

The robbers have taken hostages and are ready to execute them. Quickly enter Dead Eye to subdue the badguys and save the civilians. Walk up the steps to the bank's second floor where you'll encounter Dutch. During a cutscene he will make his escape, so follow him with the agents' support.

You'll come to a forest slightly north of Hennigan's Stead and will be assaulted by a large group of enemies. Even with the number of allies on your side, you'll need to rely on Dead Eye and a sniper rifle to take down the enemies safely. To the far left side is a shack that provides a good amount of cover.

Let the agent's distract the enemies and move yourself behind the shack to gain an excellent flanking advantage. Kill the last of the bank robbers to finish the mission. And You Will Know the Truth For this mission you'll be manning a machine gun mounted on an armored car. For the moment Fordham, will leave the vehicle stationary while you sweep up the enemies. Because you have no way to take cover, you may have to expend a medicine or two in order to say alive. After the first wave of enemies begins to retreat, Fordham will start driving the car in pursuit. Shoot down any enemies along the way, including a run away wagon.

After a few minutes of driving, a cutscene will play and the car will be destroyed, ending the mission. And The Truth Will Set You Free Ride with the US Army to Cochinay. Assist your allies with storming through Dutch's hideout. You'll soon arrive at a mounted machine gun. Use it to destroy various TNT scattered around the camp and take out large numbers of foes. With the coast clear, advance towards a large gate.

Here, you'll have to cover the army as they plant explosive charges. Enemies will appear above on both sides, so ready your rifle and be quick with your shots to help defend your comrades. After the gate is taken out, proceed forward to find Dutch at the helm of a powerful machine gun. Instead of a straight up fight, arm a sniper rifle and aim at the hanging lamp in the distance.

Shoot down the lamp and the whole base will catch on fire, causing Dutch to flee. Pursue your enemy through the caves and up several ladders, eventually leading to a cutscene and the end of the mission. West Elizabeth: Harold MacDougal Missions At Home with Dutch Ride with MacDougal and Nastas to Cochinay. After a short cutscene, you'll become separated from Nastas and will have to scale and shimmy across the mountain on the left. After regrouping, proceed forward to the mineshaft ahead. There are a few enemies inside, but are easily dealt with. Wait a few moments before exiting and mine cart with TNT will come rolling into the mine.

Quickly make an escape from the mine shaft and you'll encounter three more enemies outside. There is little cover, so you'll need to activate Dead Eye to avoid being killed.

Afterwards, Nastas will be too hurt to help you any more and you'll have to scale the mountain alone. Arm yourself with a strong, fast weapon such as the High Powered Pistol and scale up the mountain face. You'll encounter powerful wild animals, including bears and cougars. You'll need Dead Eye and many shots to easily trek to the top.

Once reaching the mountain's ridge, you'll spot a scout keeping watch. Use your throwing knifes or another subtle weapon to kill him without arousing suspicion.

Take the binoculars he drops and use them to spy on the enemy camp. Locate a tent to play a cutscene, ending the mission. For Purely Scientific Purposes Ride with Nastas and MacDougal through the Great Plains. Part way through the journey, MacDougal will go wild and start shooting at a passing bear. Kill the bear, save MacDougal, and continue following Nastas to Tall Trees.

After a short cutscene, you'll be ambushed by a large amount of foes. Stay in cover pick them all off, grab a horse and then escort MacDougal back to Blackwater. Along the way you'll be attacked by pursuing horsemen. Stick to a strong weapon and use Dead Eye to eliminate them safely. Once reaching Blackwater, the mission will end in victory.

The Prodigal Son Returns (To Yale) Follow MacDougal to the hotel roof. He'll be apprehended by one of Dutch's men, so be quick with Dead Eye to free MacDougal. The building will be flanked on three sides, so grab the nearby Rolling Block and ammo to sniper the opposition. Once the area is free of enemies, follow MacDougal to the ground level and mount the horse he provides. Escort him to the train stop at Manzanita Post, just south of Tall Trees. Several enemy horsemen will pursue along the way, but are easily killed with Dead Eye.

Upon reaching Manzanita point, dismount and head to the train to end the mission. Marston Ranch: Abigail Marston Missions The Outlaw's Return Ride with Jack to the MacFarlane ranch. Upon arriving, head towards Bonnie who will in turn round up a heard of cattle. Stay in back of the heard to keep them together while Jack leads. Take the cattle back to Beecher's Hope, being sure to go back for any stragglers. Part way through the journey, several cattle rustlers will appear. Arm a rifle and quickly kill them with Dead Eye.

After the enemies are dealt with, take the heard to your pen to win the mission. Pestilence The objective of this mission is to defend your corn silo from a pack of crows. Use Dead Eye and a strong and fast rifle to take out as many birds as possible. After about twenty crows are killed, the rest will fly away, completing the mission. Old Friends, New Problems Mount the wagon filled will corn and Abigail will arrive to ride shotgun. Quickly drive to the MacFarlane ranch, as you only have one in-game hour to get there.

After a brief cutscene of delivering the corn, drive Abigail back to Beecher's Hope to finish the mission. Marston Ranch: Uncle Missions Be Sweet and Toil Join up with Unlce in hearding your cattle to the pasture. Part way through the journey, an explosion will go off in the distance, spooking the herd. Advance forward and stop the herd, or they will be run over by a passing train. The train is being attacked by several mounted bandits, but stopping them isn't required. Continue leading the cattle to the pasture to finish the mission. A Continual Feast For this mission you'll need to gather horses for your farm.

Follow Uncle and he'll lead you to a heard for wild horses. Use your lasso along with Dead Eye to easily catch and break the horses. After capturing three horses, return to Beecher's Hope to end the mission Marston Ranch: Jack Marston Missions John Marston and Son You'll take Jack out hunting along with your dog, Rufus. Follow Rufus who will lead you to a wild elk.

Use your rifle along with Dead Eye to effortlessly take out the animal. Dismount your horse and use your knife to skin the fallen elk. Return to your horse and Rufus will lead you to another three elk. Jack will quickly shoot down two of them, leaving the third for yourself. Met back up with Jack and he'll skin one of the elk himself. Head to Manzanite Point and its general store. Sell any elk meat and skins you gained, and then proceed back to Beecher's Hope to win the mission.

Wolves, Dogs, and Sons You'll join Jack and Rufus for more hunting. This time you'll be chasing down wild wolves.


There are ten wolves total, separated into two packs of five. Follow Rufus and he will lead you to the enemies. Use Dead Eye and a powerful rifle to clear them out safely. After the wolves are killed return to Beecher's Hope to end the mission.

Spare the Love, Spoil the Child Jack has disappeared from the farm. Uncle will inform you that he's wondered off to kill a bear. Mount up and follow Rufus, who will track Jack's scent. The dog will soon lead you to the Cochinay mountains, where Jack and the bear wait. Quickly enter Dead Eye and execute the bear before it reaches Jack. Return Jack to the farm to complete the mission. The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed The federal agents and US Army will storm the farm.

Join with Uncle in defending against the first wave of enemy soldiers. After the enemies are dealt with, Uncle will advise you to check on your family. Enter the house and Jack will help support you against the next wave of soldiers.

During the next assault, a cutscene will play and Uncle will be taken out, leaving just you and Jack. Defeat the rest of the enemies and return to Abigail. Escort your family to the barn, both are armed and can provide assistance, but need to be kept safe and alive. Upon arrive at the barn, a cutscene will play and Dead Eye will automatically activate. Use it to kill as many enemies as possible, though defeating them all isn't possible.

After another short cutscene, you'll take control of Jack. Return to Breecher's Hope to finish the last mission of Red Dead Redemption. Remember My Family This is a secret task and not an official part of the “missions” tab, but concludes the game's storyline. As Jack, head to Blackwater and talk to the federal agent near the train station. He'll let you know that Ross has retired and has headed to Lake Don Julio. Go to the lake, now marked on your map, where you'll meet Ross' wife. She'll tell you that Agent Ross has taken a trip down to Mexico and is fishing just north of Chuparosa.

Advance there and you'll encounter Ross' brother, who'll point you towards Ross' location. Ross will challenge you to one final duel.

He's fairly slow on the draw, so take your time getting in some accurate hits, rather than being quick and sloppy. Win the duel to watch the game's credits. Xbox 360 Achievements Xbox360 Achievement How to Earn Reward High Roller Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker. 10 No Dice Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die. 10 What About Hand Grenades? Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes 10 Austin Overpowered Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player. 25 Evil Spirits Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.

25 Instinto Asesino Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player. 25 Fightin' Around the World Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player. 5 Strange Things are Afoot Complete a task for a Stranger. 10 People are Still Strange Complete 15 tasks for Strangers. 25 Buckin' Awesome Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.

10 Clemency Pays Capture a bounty alive. 10 xquisite Taste Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.

10 Bearly Legal Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears. 5 He Cleans Up Well! Earn $10,000 in Single Player. 10 Frontiersman Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge. 20 The Gunslinger Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.

5 Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank. 25 Gold Medal Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player. 25 On the Trail of de Vaca Uncover every location on the map in Single Player. 10 Friends in High Places Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player. 10 Redeemed Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat. 100 Mowing Them Down Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.


20 In a Hail of Bullets Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode. 20 Long Arm of Marston Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode. 20 Bullseye Get 250 headshots in any game mode. 20 Unnatural Selection Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.

20 Have Gun Will Travel Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session. 20 Slow on the Draw Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session. 10 Hit the Trail Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session. Create a posse and get the maximum number of members. 10 The Quick and Everyone Else Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches. 20 How the West Was Won Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.

Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches. 20 Most Wanted Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.

10 Red Dead Rockstar Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match. 10 That Government Boy Complete 'Exodus in America'. 10 Land of Opportunity Complete 'The Assault on Fort Mercer'. 30 Sons of Mexico Complete 'The Gates of El Presidio'. 40 No More Fancy Words Complete 'An Appointed Time'.

20 A Savage Soul Complete 'At Home with Dutch'. 10 The Benefits of Civilization Complete 'And the Truth Will Set You Free'. 90 Into the Sunset Complete 'The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed'. 100 Nurture or Nature? Complete 'Remember My Family'. 50 Dastardly Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train.

5 Spurred to Victory Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post. 10 Heading South on a White Bronco Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player. 5 Manifest Destiny Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player. 5 Playstation 3 Trophies Playstation 3 Trophy How to Earn Reward High Roller Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker.

Bronze No Dice Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die. Bronze What About Hand Grenades? Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes Bronze Austin Overpowered Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player. Silver Evil Spirits Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player. Silver Instinto Asesino Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player. Silver Fightin' Around the World Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player. Bronze Strange Things are Afoot Complete a task for a Stranger.

Bronze People are Still Strange Complete 15 tasks for Strangers. Silver Buckin' Awesome Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred. Bronze Clemency Pays Capture a bounty alive. Bronze Exquisite Taste Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith. Bronze Bearly Legal Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.

Bronze He Cleans Up Well! Earn $10,000 in Single Player. Bronze Frontiersman Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge. Bronze The Gunslinger Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.

Silver Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank. Bronze Gold Medal Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player. Bronze On the Trail of de Vaca Uncover every location on the map in Single Player. Bronze Friends in High Places Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player. Bronze Redeemed Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.

Gold Mowing Them Down Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode. Silver In a Hail of Bullets Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode. Silver Long Arm of Marston Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode. Silver Bullseye Get 250 headshots in any game mode. Bronze Unnatural Selection Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.

Bronze Have Gun Will Travel Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session. Silver Slow on the Draw Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session. Bronze Hit the Trail Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session. Bronze Posse Up! Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.


Bronze The Quick and Everyone Else Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches. Silver How the West Was Won Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience. Silver Go Team! Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.

Silver Most Wanted Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session. Bronze Red Dead Rockstar Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match. Bronze That Government Boy Complete 'Exodus in America'. Bronze Land of Opportunity Complete 'The Assault on Fort Mercer'. Bronze Sons of Mexico Complete 'The Gates of El Presidio'.

Bronze No More Fancy Words Complete 'An Appointed Time'. Bronze A Savage Soul Complete 'At Home with Dutch'. Bronze The Benefits of Civilization Complete 'And the Truth Will Set You Free'. Bronze Into the Sunset Complete 'The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed'. Bronze Nurture or Nature?

Complete 'Remember My Family'. Gold Dastardly Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train. Bronze Spurred to Victory Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post. Bronze Heading South on a White Bronco Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player. Bronze Manifest Destiny Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.

Bronze Legend of the West You've become a true legend of the west!

Red Dead Redemption is a western action-adventure video game set in an open world environment. It is developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games.

It was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles on May 18, 2010. It is the second title in the Red Dead franchise, and is a spiritual successor to 2004's Red Dead Revolver. The game, set during the decline of the American Frontier in the year 1911, follows John Marston, a former outlaw whose wife and son are taken hostage by the government in ransom for his services as a bounty hunter.

Having no other choice, Marston sets out to bring the three members of his former gang to justice. Red Dead Redemption is played from a third-person perspective in an open world environment, allowing the player to interact with the game world at their leisure. The player can travel the virtual world, a fictionalized version of the Western United States and Mexico, primarily by horseback and on foot. Gunfights emphasize a gunslinger gameplay mechanic called 'Dead Eye' that allows players to mark multiple shooting targets on enemies in slow motion. The game makes use of a morality system, by which the player's actions in the game affect their character's levels of honor and fame and how other characters respond to the player. An online multiplayer mode is included with the game, allowing up to 16 players to engage in both co-operative and competitive gameplay in a recreation of the single-player setting. Upon its release, Red Dead Redemption was met with universal critical acclaim, averaging approximately 95/100, 94% and 9.3/10 on review aggregate websites Metacritic, GameRankings, and GameStats, respectively, making it one of the highest-rated video games of all time.

Reviewers praised the game's visuals, dynamically-generated music, voice acting, gameplay, and story, and they gave it several Game of the Year awards. It has ranked highly on several 'Best Games' lists by various publications. As of September 2011, the game has sold over 12.5 million copies. After the game's release, several downloadable content (DLC) additions were released.

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, which was also released as a standalone game, added a new single-player experience in which John Marston searches for a cure for an infectious zombie plague that has swept across the Old West. A Game of the Year Edition containing all additional content was released in October 2011.