Detective Conan Watch Cartoon Online

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Detective Conan

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Jimmy Kudo is a high school detective who helps the police solve cases. During an investigation, he is attacked by Gin and Vodka who belong to a syndicate known as the Black Organization. They force him to ingest an experimental poison called APTX 4869 to kill him without leaving evidence. A rare side-effect of the poison, however, transforms him into a child instead of killing him.

Adopting the pseudonym Conan Edogawa, Kudo hides his identity to investigate the Black Organization. Later, Shiho Miyano, a member of the Black Organization and creator of APTX 4869, tries to leave the syndicate after her sister's death but is captured. She attempts suicide by ingesting APTX 4869, and like Kudo, is transformed into a child. She escapes and enrolls in Conan's school under a pseudonym, Anita Hailey. During a rare encounter with the Black Organization, Conan helps the FBI plant a CIA agent, Kir, inside the Black Organization as an undercover spy. I used to watch is as a child and I thought it was brilliant, now I'm 18 (started watching again and think it's even more brilliant!)I've watched EVERY EPISODE except 2 (706 out 708) and all movies and OVAs.

I'm definitely addicted. I assure you it's not childish and cases can be very difficult to solve. There are episodes with insults and very serious topics. Having said that don't watch it all at once, cause there are two kinds of episodes, episodes that come from the Managa (roughly half) and the other half are anime are originals.

Anime originals are just random cases and have absolutely nothing to do with the plot, don't get me wrong some are fantastic but after a while you'll get bored. But the Managa ones will always keep you on the edge of your seats! Especially ones were the Black organization appear (if u have any background knowledge about the show, Conan is high-school detective who is shrunk by a 'black organisation') Cases are very realistic and can be very challenging to solve. The show can be funny a lot of the time as well, but a few episodes especially the anime original ones can be a bit childish but i personally don't mind. The music is absolutely fantastic and generally I think it's brilliant and worth a watch without a doubt! This is a great series. Anyone who loves mysteries should see this series, subbed or dubbed.

As a mystery fan, Detective Conan is truly great. As an anime fan, however, the dub leaves a bit to be desired. The voices are strong and they play their parts well (this does put it above other dub jobs I've seen), but my key gripe is the pointless Americanization of every name and location ever mentioned in the series.

And I'm talking POINTLESS. I could see them renaming SOME people to keep younger American audiences from getting lost in them, but places?

They call it Tokyo in the commercials, then rename Mt. IS this really necessary, FUNimation? If you don't mind the pointless Americanization, the CN dub is fine. As for me, I can't wait for the Japanese language version to hit DVD. Where do I begin with this flat out brilliant series. It started in 1996 and has so far reached 19 seasons with nearly 600 episodes produced, 14 movies and still going strong, what makes Detective Conan such a popular series?

A number of things. First, the series has wide appeal and I would say it is the only anime I have seen that transcends age barriers with such ease, this is a series that plays to adults just as well, if not more so than to children. The Detective Boys mysteries have the 'Home Alone' factor, kids love seeing other kids outsmarting grown up villains, and the occasional awesome action scene is sure to captivate this demographic, that being said, it can be very brutal and violent at times, make no mistake about it, just because kids are often featured and the main protagonist is trapped in the body of a child, does not mean every episode is appropriate for young children. There are child murderers, decapitations, drugs and overall gory deaths, That being said, I think it rarely crosses the line to become grotesque or needlessly gruesome, I must say that some scenes, such as those depicting bad guys pointing guns to children's heads do upset me a bit, but the violence helps the adult audience into taking it seriously. Of course, very young kids should stick to Scooby-Doo for mysteries, I like Scooby-Doo, but this is in a whole 'nother ballpark.

The writing is absolutely brilliant, easily the most sophisticated, clever animated program that targets children. I would say it even beats the heck out of any CSI show.But what would the show be without it's colorful cast of characters? Not much, they are the main reason I watch the series, they are likable, charming, funny, in short, the best characters I have ever seen in an anime series. Again, I have a hard time getting into shows and anime in particular, and an even harder time caring for characters in general, I love these characters.

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Even the romantic elements, something I usually do not care for in the slightest, is interesting, though a bit too sugary, some episodes and OVA's play more like high school dramas. But really, if the show doesn't end with Shinichi and Ran getting together, I'm going to be seriously upset. Conan/Shinichi is a likable guy, though sometimes acting like a bit of a jerk, his compassion for others and sharp mind makes him a great protagonist, the whole 'teenager trapped on the body of a child' is a stroke of genius, also it helps ease the violence a bit, every time Conan is pummeled and about to be stabbed or whatever, we remember that he's not really a kid. Ran and Kogoro are equally great, with Kogoro being one of my favorites, he also brings laughs to the stories, which is sometimes much appreciated in the more bloody cases. The Detective Boys, Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko are great as well, really just adorable and funny, Ayumi's crush on Conan is also sweet, though obviously they will never, ever become a couple, sorry to all you Conan/Ayumi fans. Haibara is probably my favorite character, her attitude and gloomy personality is a nice contrast to the other kids.

If there is one recurring character I don't like it's Kaito Kid, but then I think we're supposed to have a love/hate relationship to him, how dare he try to kiss Ran? And that smug smirk of his annoys the heck out of me. Actually, the smugness is sometimes a bit too much, like the aforementioned character, Hattori Heiji and Conan/Shinichi do have the same smirk from time to time. Did you see movie 10? Halfway through it turns into a smug conference.

Anyway, where were we? Most of the characters are indeed fantastic, but great characters are more or less worthless if they don't have anything interesting or exciting happen to them. This show mixes it up every now and then, there's always some sort of mystery or hidden detail, the typical 'whodunit' or murder mystery is the most regular plot, but there are other stories such as stopping burglars, surviving in the wild and such. The cases are consistently fascinating and varied enough, though the solution to some of the cases are beyond elaborate and implausible. I love the series, the series of movies is a bit more uneven, some are absolutely amazing such as 'Countdown to Heaven', 'The 14th Target', 'The Phantom of Baker Street', while others are pretty lousy, such as 'The Last Magician of the Century', 'Magician of the Silver Sky' and 'Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure'. They all, with the exception of the first one, have raked in the dough and placed highly on the list of top grossing anime movies each year, and with a fifteenth movie coming 2011, it seems we won't see the last of Conan or a resolution to the series anytime soon, though I am ready for a conclusion.The series have lasted for 14 years and still is tremendously popular so it must be doing something right.

I have a bit of a hard time understanding why it didn't become a huge hit in the US, more or less every single week it ranks in the Top 10 highest rated animated shows in Japan, how it failed in the US, I'll never know. It appears the English dub has been discontinued and there won't be anymore DVDs anytime soon, a shame. Regardless, Detective Conan is a great anime, I strongly urge you to check it out. Detective Conan is a fun show. I've seen subtitled versions of it and it's very good. The series revolves around a teenage detective whiz who is shrunken down to the size of a child by an experimental poison.

Detective Conan Watch Cartoon Online

He must then masquerade as an eight year old (going to school, etc.) while keeping his identity a secret and a look out for the villains that gave him the poison. Helping him is a funny inventor who gives 'Conan' (an alias the character uses as a child) cool James Bond like gadgets, like a bow tie with a voice distorter and shoes that magnify kicking strength.The mysteries Conan solves each episode are very brain teasing, but nothing impossible if you put your brain cells together and follow the clues. Though many of the cases involve murder (and some pretty elaborate ones at that) each episode is presented in a way for people of all ages, much like how I used to watch Murder, She Wrote as a kid. If the show is ever aired or released commercially in the States, you should try to find it. Broadcasting in he U.S. As Case Closed, Detective Conan is an interesting mystery/comedy/thriller that looks like a kiddie show but definitely ia much more to the series. Plot: a teenage detective protoge is turned into a kid by a weird poison and must help solve cases for his girlfriend's bumbling father under a alias until he can find the people who did this to him and recover an antidote.

The premise, like I said, sounds kiddie but as the series rolls on things start to get messy and at times, a bit disturbing, but the cases are so ingenously planned out and executed you can't help but watch just to see how Jimmy/Conan will get the jobs done with such a small guise working against him. The animation is pretty good, bright and colorful though dated (eight years old now) but has its own style of anime. The dub isn't bad either, once again Funimation,the folks doing the recording down here, have hired some excellent voice talent that matches each characters personalty very well though some tend to overact (the junior agency for example).

Overall a great series that blends comedy and mystery very well. The only gripe being its very long (over 100 episodes) but still fun to watch. Give it a watch if you need a break from all the action animes or just a fan of Japanese cartoons in general. As Jimmy/Conan always say: 'With a keen eye for detail, one truth prevails.'

And when I mean that, I mean Mr. Kudo has been brought back to those days, but still solving crime. Yes, that's how it is, some mysterious formula has turned him into a kid. And as he tries to find a way to get back, he still continue to solve murders with the help of Edogawa, and his friend Ran and her lousy detective father.

The kid still has got all the knowledge and skill he's got from his older self, but he can manage. And his gadgets are cool, he can alter his voice, mostly making it that detective Mouri guy, with whom he makes the hero of every story and episode, for shame! But still you know it's him and he doesn't seem to complain that Detective Mouri gets all the credit, or that he's still a kid. This is one of the best anime shows I've seen, and I still love it. Recommended for all anime fans and to non-anime fans who dig murder or mystery or crime stories, this for you.

Shinichi Kudo(Jimmy Kudo) is highly famous for being the best teen detective of East Japan. His knowledge on mystery novels & soccer skills has made him a modern Sherlock Holmes. And has helped out the police on the toughest cases. Life was going smooth with Shinichi.

On one night however, he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Where 2 men in black clothes were about to get their cover blown by Shinichi. One of them knocked him out cold and forced a poison pill that was meant to end his life.

However instead of killing him. It made him shrink from a teen to a kid.Still have the brains of a sleuth, but no longer in the full grown body of Japan's favorite teen detective. Shinichi had to go under the alias of Conan Edogawa. A combination of 2 of his favorite mystery novelists. And can't reveal his real identity, as it'll endanger the people he knows and will get chased by the 2 men in black who'll come to finish the job. Shinichi now lives with his friend Ran(Rachel) who is the daughter of third rate detective Kogoru Mohri(Richard Moore). Pretending to be a smart ordinary kid, Conan uses the gadgets provided by his Mad next door scientist, Dr.

To help him solve the crimes and help Kogoru out without being noticed. Conan hopes to make Kogoru famous so that way he can get some leads and info on the 2 men responsible for his condition.As the series progresses, Conan does what he can to become Shinichi Kudo again. And will encounter many cases on Homocide, Suicide, Robbery, Child abduction, salvage, & terrorism. Once he does find the 2 men in black, Conan will try to obtain the pill that changed him and get Dr.

Asawa to make an antidote to make him Shinichi again.For more than a decade this anime has been widely successful in Japan. And an international hit in many countries. I never heard of it till 2005. And very surprised to learn how long this series is. With almost 500 episodes, several movies, and a handful of OVAs.

Detective Conan(Case Closed) should deserve to be a highly acclaim cartoon in any category for Anime.Problem is very few American Anime fans, don't know how great it is or don't know it's existence. If you like Anime with action, comedy, mystery, or just something that'll keep you busy. I guaranteed Detective Conan is unlike the other mystery anime out there.

I had heard about this anime, but I only started watching it a couple weeks ago when they started showing it on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. After only the first show, I was hooked on it, and I think it's for much the same reason as why Clue is my favorite movie. It's funny, and suspenseful (well, at least the superb episodes are), and thought-provoking all at the same time, and it gives the viewer ample time to think through the case right along with Shinichi.At first, I couldn't understand why they put it on Adult Swim instead of Toonami, but after watching some of the episodes, I saw the reason.

Even though it feels like a kids' show, a lot of the cases are murders, and they sometimes deal with heavy topics (like losing a child)If you enjoy mysteries (and even if you don't, this might get you into them:P ), I highly recommend watching this show. You won't be disappointed! This is probably THE most popular Manga-Anime on earth, not only Anime-Fans like it, but others as well. Because even though it is not always a very credible or spectacular series, the detective series and the overall realism of the series make this Anime so comfy to watch, everybody just has to love it!!! For instance, there is no character with blue or green hear and unlike other series, the characters to not yell all the time in an annoying, exaggerated manner.The big pro of the series are the usually very cool and clever plots, sometimes an episode gives you all the hints you need yourself to figure out who the culprit is. Mostly though, an episode does not, or sometimes it's luck which leads Conan to solving a case. Nevertheless, the series is gripping, gives you false leads, is funny and the English subtitles with references and explanations to Japanese culture are excellent.The series earns at least a 9/10.

Personally, I gave it a 10, but what I don't like is that throughout the 506 episodes, the real core story about Shinichi and the Black Gang is rarely progressed. If you are a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work, this show is a MUST-SEE for you. The show revolves around a young boy by the name of Conan Edogawa.

However, this is just the alias of 17-year-old Jimmy Kudo, Japan's most famous young detective prodigy. While witnessing a mob hit, he is knocked unconscious and given an experimental poison that, unbeknownst to his assailants, reverts him to the physical size and age of a second-grader. However, he retained his brilliant mind and vicariously solves some of the most perplexing mysteries imaginable.This is a very intelligent and well-written show and is recommended to anyone who loves a good murder mystery. I had read about 'Detective Conan' about a year prior to the show being released in the United States, and so when 'Case Closed' began airing in May of 2004 I jumped at the opportunity to see this show.

I was not disappointed.This show is a welcome relief from the Scooby-Doo inspired cartoons (not to mention Scooby-Doo itself) that presented a 'mystery' that a tree slug could solve in two minutes. The stories are well thought out, the solutions are NOT obvious but can be put together by an observant (and thinking) viewer, just as Conan does, and best of all the series does not insult the intelligence of its viewers: the show is entertaining without padding 3/4 or the episode with slapstick routines and mindless running from a person in a Halloween costume.The show's premise is that little six-year-old Conan Edogawa is actually a 16-year-old detective prodigy.

He was reduced to a grade school child when a mysterious would-be assassin gave him an experimental poison that (unknown to the poisoner) regressed the detective rather than killing him. In a bit of angst reminiscent of the early adventures of 'Spider-Man', Conan makes a hard discovery: You can have the most brilliant detective mind in the world, but if you're six years old, all the police are going to tell you is, 'BEAT IT, KID!' In spite of this hardship, little Conan finds ways of bringing the guilty parties to justice - although all too often, someone else takes the credit for his deductions.HIGHLY recommended.